Monday, October 19, 2009

The Sky Was the Limit

I am a wild dreamer. Everything I think about is at least 6 months out. At times this can be very disappointing because that means there is an awful lot of lag time for dreams to be squashed, altered, or easily letdown. However, I have a BIG dream that is consuming all my thoughts lately, as in I can't sleep at all because I am constantly brainstorming, and I really truly in my heart of hearts think it will work out.

It will require copious amounts of work, along with overcoming a steep learning curve and relocating to a place very far from my city-ish ways, but if someone can do it, I can do it. Besides, I will have a great partner by my side enjoying the realization of a dream come true.

For five years now, I have battled with the unavoidable question of what I will become once I leave the formal educational world, I think I got it. Not "got it" as in figured out, because I will never say I have my passions "figured out," but "got it" as in something I believe in enough to dedicate years to pursuing. It is a settling of one anxiety and a open floodgate to many more.

I am currently in the process of writing up a very detailed business plan. I am also going to submit my business plan to the Oregon State University Enterprise Challenge, which is an annual competition. I will be presenting my plan to a board of faculty and investors. The top three plans are granted money to help start the venture. Free money would be really nice.

I think these lyrics of the classic Tom Petty song "Into the Great Wide Open," describe me perfectly :) I love how there is a lyric for EVERY occasion.

Into the great wide open,
Under them skies of blue
Out in the great wide open,
A rebel without a clue

Oh yeah, and that is me, a photo taken by my "man of many talents" boyfriend.


singamaraja said...

Visiting your blog

VanessasRunway said...

I'm done with school and I want to go back, bc I still have no clue what I want to do. So many options, I just can't imagine sticking to one thing forever! We should move to Europe where you enjoy life more!