Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Color-coding life

Do you use a planner? I have always admired people that were that organized, but I have also always loved my ability to remember dates and times correctly. But, after today's work meeting and my very extensive to-do list (new mega-huge work project in the works that is top secret but will share soon, I promise), my school schedule, and personal errands my brain hit overload in the memory department. And viola! iCal to the rescue! Creating my color-coded schedule really tickled my fancy, but it also caused a mini-anxiety attack while looking at the big picture. But, it will be so worth it to get it all accomplished!

1 comment:

Christopher Jiron said...

I will attest for everyone that you have a great memory! our lives are just getting more full and more complicated. More to do and less time to do it in!