Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Halfway Point

First day of classes:

8 a.m. - Arrive on time to my first class. I haven't taken a class this early for a long time, let alone actually attend, so I was very proud of myself! Halfway through class my brain with spinning from a caffeine high. I just recently took on a pretty heavy coffee addiction. Even now that it is 2:33 p.m. my head is still in a haze from the Sumatra blend.

10 a.m. - Paid the house bills for the month BEFORE I got the reminder email. Even more proud of myself for remembering.

12 p.m. - Walk to Venture Management class. Even more proud of myself for remembering an umbrella because it started POURING rain so hard I could hardly see in front of me.

2 p.m. - Buy 2 additional books for classes at the bookstore. No pride here.

2:15 p.m.- Forgot my headphones at home, so now I am sitting in the library writing this and reading the first chapter of The Endangered Species Act at Thirty, when I want to be watching last nights episode of Gossip Girl. Really not proud of myself.

Right Now - Closing my laptop to go to Power Step Aerobics class. Proud of myself for working out when all I really want is a nap. Go me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good first day, despite forgetting your headphones!