Monday, March 2, 2009

Like a mother leaving her baby for the first time...

I have been heartbroken the last two weeks as I have been forced to neglect writing.  It was definitely an unintentional hiatus and now that I am back I feel so overwhelmed on what to talk about.  So much has happened and my life is still way too crazy for my liking.  Heres a snippet of what has gone on with me in the last two weeks:

- I got my haircut and highlighted.  I asked to be a warmer blonde, none of the California blonde and what I got was copper spots mixed in with platinum?  Apparently the color didn't take evenly.  I couldn't believe how stressing it was to have a bad color hair.  haha.  So I went back and had it redone.  This time to cover up the spots she added in brown and a honey, so I had a head of calico.  I really hated having so many colors of hair.  So, I went back and now I am once again a blonde.  It feels so good to be back.  I never knew how much it could throw off my week.  :)

- I had DECA state conference.  DECA is a high school business organization that I did in high school and now I go back each year to help with my favorite chapter- Klamath Union High School.  It is one of my favorite weeks of the year.  Despite never getting more than 14 hours of sleep in 4 nights.  KU DECA had some really great projects and it is so fun to watch the kids do well at state and make it to internationals.  

- Since I attended DECA state I missed three days of school.  Which made me unbelievably behind.  I am still trying to figure out how to solve the matrices from math class.  Uhhhh...

- I helped my boyfriend move.  It was a whole day affair and I woke up the next morning feeling muscles I never knew I had.  The low point of the experience was definitely crying as 'we' carried the 160 TV down a flight of stairs and into the truck.  I actually don't think I helped at all.  The TV has so front heavy and the grip kept hurting my hand, so I just cried the whole time.  I am not quite sure how Chris managed it by himself.  But, it definitely showed his character when he didn't yell at me at all.  Awww... what a keeper.  

- Allergies have overtaken my life.  Three medications later and I am starting to breath again. 

- My urologist finally called me back with my test results.  Apparently I have high levels of calcium, high levels of oxulate, and low levels of citrate in my urine which are causing my kidney stones.  Meaning I have to give up eating foods with calcium (so hard!), foods high in oxulate (which is just about everything else!) and add lemon juice to all my water intake (really easy and I love it).  

- I became ADDICTED to saltines... again.  I need to start limiting my daily intake.  I am having to go to the store way too often lately.

- I wrote a paper.  Changed the topic because it didn't meet the page requirements.  Rewrote it after my teacher informed me I didn't follow the guidelines.  Oh, its still in the process... 

I'm exhausted even writing this now.  I say forget the past.  Moving on.  I'm excited I am back.

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