Friday, February 20, 2009

Seems ways too early.

We get two days of above 50 weather here in Oregon and what do you know?  My allergies hit.  Already???  Its still February!  I woke up this morning to the itchy, puffy, red eyes... dragged around with the constant headache... and snuffled and sneezed all evening.  I finally convinced myself to go get some Claritin at Fred Meyer and now I feel slightly better.  I really hope this is a fluke and not the beginning of another dreadful allergy season.  

1 comment:

Callie Grayson said...

i hear ya!
I have allergies year round.... i get shots once a week. that's what happens when you are allergic to everything (two years now) but Yeah for me, I graduated and now get them every other week:)

Hope it's a fluke and you wake up tomorrow feeling good with no scratchy puffy eyes! not fun.

Do you sleep on a down pillow? that may be why since it is warming up. If yes, wash your pillow,yes you can wash down pillows & comforters in the machine and dryer, {not dry cleaning-which may be bothersome.} I wash mine weekly. keeps dust to a minimum and helps with allergies.