Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Geography of Bliss Brings Me to This

I am on page 46 of my latest read The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. The book follows one man on his search for the happiest country in the world and what makes the people so happy. One of the comedic parts of the book is that the author is such a pessimist at heart. So far Eric has traveled to The Netherlands and Switzerland. In The Netherlands he found happiness is a number. Located in Rotterdam is the World Database of Happiness or WDH. Kind of funny to associate "happiness" with "database," huh? This is the place that social scientists have gathered to conduct and anaylze happiness surveys. Eric uses their findings as a premise to select his countries to visit. The countries he visits are:

Switzerland; where happiness is boredom.
Bhutan; where happiness is policy
Qatar; where happiness is a winning lottery ticket
Iceland; where happiness is failure
Moldova; where happiness is somewhere else
Thailand; where happiness is not thinking
Great Britain; where happiness is a work in progress
India; where happiness is a contradiction
The United States: where happiness is home

This book is great so far and I wish I had more time to read it. But, it did make me think of an idea I want to use on my blog and that is, what small things contribute to happiness? Throughout the day hundreds of things make me happy. For example, today, getting the ketchup stain out of my shirt made me overjoyed! So, for the next, hmm... lets say 50 days... which brings me too May 27th, I want to ask random people I encounter in my life his/her daily 'Reason for Bliss.' Stay tuned to see the results of my experiment. I know I am excited.


VanessasRunway said...

oooh you read my mind - I just wrote about the last book I read! I'll have to take a peek at this book! Any other recommendations? :)

Christopher Jiron said...

At this point, the sun makes me happy! I feel so much more positive and confident when the sun is out.

VanessasRunway said...

p.s. I tagged you! ;)