Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You're IT!

I was tagged by the wonderful Socalite from Vanessa's Runway....

What is your current obsession? Hiking, The Library, Blogs, Sushi, Clothes, Photography, Free Time, and Gossip Girl.

What is your weirdest obsession? Gosh, I have so many. I have a professor who wears sweater vests to class everyday and I am tracking how many he has because so far I have had him for two terms and I have only seen three repeats! Isn't that wild?! And what is more sad is I have a secret crush on him and his sweater vest collection!

What are you wearing today? PJs!

Why is today special? Last day of classes this week, start of the Masters Championship where I get to watch my wannabe boyfriend, Tiger Woods.

What would you like to learn to do? Take pretty pictures, cook creative meals, play tennis, uncork wine bottles without looking like a fool at work, learn French, stay awake while reading for school, and draw better.

What’s for dinner today? Chicken.

What’s the last thing you bought? Groceries. Not very interesting, but I put myself on a no spending budget... this week.

What are you listening to right now? A Genius playlist in my iTunes established from Buildings and Mountains by The Republic Tigers..

What is your favorite weather? Sunny and warm. Throw in an oceanic breeze.

What is your most challenging goal right now? Finding enough time in the day for simple things like plucking my eye brows or cleaning my bathroom. Also, not getting anxious about the future.

What do you think about the person who tagged you? She is my favorite blogger! So cute.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? I am so indecisive. My candidates would be the French countryside, Monte Carlo, Australia, Chile, or right next to Tiger Woods on Jupiter Island, FL.

Favorite vacation spot? Any place warm and with good company.

What would you like to have in your hands right now? Chris' hand. <3

What would you like to get rid of? My classes this term :)

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Augusta National Golf Club tomorrow for the start of the Masters Championship.

Which language do you want to learn? French! I started to learn it, then got distracted by life, but I want to start again.

What did you dream of last night? I hardly slept enough to dream. I don't recall.

Who do you want to meet in person? Tiger Woods. I am a FANatic.

Whats your favorite part about the city you live in? How simple life is. It took me a while to get to like Corvallis because I am such a city girl, and it is such a college town. But, it has been good for me.

What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? I really like my purple jacket. I think it is the piece of clothing I own that describes me perfectly.

What is your dream job? I have so many that I role into one title- entrepreneur. I want to do it all.

If you had £100 now what would you spend it on? Living.

Fashion pet peeve? Black workout pants and Uggs- the official outfit of Oregon State University's female population.

Do you admire anyone's style? Off the top of my head- Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Coppola, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Moss, Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon, Christian Siriano, The Olsen's!

Describe your personal style: Classy. Girly. Simple. Girl Next Door.

Who's fashion show would you want tickets to? Marc Jacobs, DvF, Dior, Chanel... pretty much any tickets I could get my coveting little fingers on.

Okay, here's the rules:

1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

2. Tag eight other people.

Fine Things and Big Dreams

Blog Goggles

Grayson: A Different Shade of Grey

I *Heart* You

Layers of Meaning

Neon Polish

Belle Maison

Couture Carrie


Callie Grayson said...

Thank you so much for the sweet complement on my blog. AND thank you very much for the tag.
I will work on it this weekend.

kadler said...

Ooh yay! I'm out of town these next few days but will definitely do this when I get back :)


kadler said...
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kadler said...

P.S. I totally need to pluck my eyebrows.

Julie @ Belle Maison said...

hi Christine! thank you so much for tagging me :) this should be fun! and thanks for the very sweet comment you left on my blog - i apprectiate it very much. you've been added to my blog roll list!

Netty said...

Oh my! I'm so flattered! I'm glad you enjoy my blog and I will try my absolute hardest to answer the questions you tagged me with. With my busy schedule it may take till the end of the month, nonetheless I will do it! Thanks again my dear, your blog is lovely as well!

Couture Carrie said...

Oh cool this is such a fun one! I love your obsessions and your music list on your profile page. Thanks for thinking of me, darling!


VanessasRunway said...

your weird obsession had me crackin up! haha - love it! :)

Christine Collier said...

Yeah, today he wore a solid brown one with cream shirt under and a burnt orange tie. Someday, when I gain the courage, I want to ask if his wife dresses him. HAHA. He is just soooo coordinated.

Marian said...

Love your answers for your style icons. Think Natalie Portman has great style! Of course so does Kate Moss.
muah x

kadler said...

Have I mentioned how much I love the sweater vest story?

1. Sweater vests are hot
2. Professors are hot

I think I have a crush on him through the computer